Nama : Reza Ardian sanusi NPM   : 16311046 Raja Ampat is one of the tourist desti...

Itinerary of raja ampat by reza ardian sanusi

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Nama : Reza Ardian sanusi
NPM   : 16311046
Raja Ampat is one of the tourist destinations that are worth visiting there are things that are interesting from the tourist attractions and cinderamatanya
The first day :

1.     5:00 pm. Departing Soekarno hata Jakarta to Sorong with a ticket price of Rp. 1.7490.000.00
2.     7:00 pm. Arriving at the airport of Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar airport inernasional to transit, and then proceed to the airport dominik edward oslo (DEO) sliding town, West Papua.
3.     9:00 pm. Arriving at the airport then proceed to the port of Sorong (ride public transportation 5.000.00 per person).
4.     10:00 to 12:00 CET. Travelling by ship to Waisai, Waigeo Island, capital of Raja Ampat Rp. 150.000.00 per person

5.     13:00 CDT. Arriving at the lodge (Rp. 300.000.00 - Rp. 500.000.00  one night)

The second day :
6.     8:00 CDT. Diving Raja Ampat islands (boat rental price of 1-5 million per day)

7.     10:00 CET. Been to Goa keramat

8.     18:30 specialties sliding.
      Ikan Bakar berlin wall

9.     19:30 CET. Looking for souvenirs

10.        20:30 CDT. back kepenginapan
The third day :
11.        7:00 CDT. Go Kebandara sliding to return
12.        8:00 CDT. Aircraft take off
13.        13:30 CDT. Arrive at the airport Soekarno Hatta